The sensitivity of the screens decreases with constant use, forcing players to poke furiously at the things as the horses load into the starting gate.
That is, the sensitivity decreases as oxygen concentration increases following the Stern-Volmer relationship.
With age, the sensitivity to external influence decreases, but there are critical points in the process of growing up when children are more than usually pliable.
Findings show that as spatial frequency is increased, sensitivity to temporal frequency decreases.
By about 20 years of age, the painful erosions diminish, because the sensitivity of the cornea decreases.
The sensitivity of the method decreases rapidly as the chain length increases and the number of end groups drops.
Monofilament is not advisable for deepwater fishing, since it can absorb water, resulting in loose knots, and its sensitivity can decrease when it is wet.
That sensitivity had decreased over time; but this one was increasing, it seemed in the deep silence, by the minute.
The sensitivity of piezoelectric materials decreases exponentially with time.
While hearing sensitivity of mammals is similar to that of other classes of vertebrates, without functioning outer hair cells, the sensitivity decreases by approximately 50 dB.