They were barred from the main embassy building, where all sensitive work was conducted.
Does television know how to handle such a sensitive and significant work of art?
When developed, it can be used to influence all the other centers and bring the highest of spiritual truths to all sensitive work.
Despite their seclusion and their virtual anonymity, many have spent the last decade doing the sensitive work.
This is a strong, sensitive work, and all the more important in that self-portraits by women are few indeed.
Of course," he added mildly, "there are certain precautions taken for such sensitive work.
Cobbins felt that all doorways should be manned until the sensitive work was done.
It's serious and sensitive work to care for the dead.
The most sensitive work was performed underground, protected by the solid bedrock of Manhattan island.
Many of them, almost all Chinese citizens, hoped the high-profile conference would validate their work, often regarded as embarrassing or too sensitive for public discussion.