To serve the needs of blood transfusion services, which use the vast majority of HIV tests worldwide, increasingly sensitive assays have proliferated.
As a result, many less sensitive but highly specific assays have been withdrawn from the market [39].
Modern drugs are more potent, which has required more sensitive bioanalytical assays to accurately and reliably determine these drugs at lower concentrations.
The most sensitive assay, called excretory/secretory (E/S), contains 96 immunogenic antigens isolated from cultured T. canis larvae.
The use of highly sensitive assays is mandatory to certify gluten-free food products.
According to their paper, published in PLoS ONE, the samples came up empty, even though the lab used more sensitive assays than the original paper.
In this study a number of these have been systematically examined and a sensitive background-free assay has been demonstrated.
Thus the Far Western technique provides a sensitive and specific assay for detection of proteins that can complex with CREB.
One study performed a sensitive immuno-histochemical assay on bone marrow aspirates of 20 patients with localized prostate cancer.