Her new sense of security and confidence evaporated as she recalled Aernath's joking comment.
It was immediately apparent to both women that his indulgent sense of humor had evaporated.
An overwhelming sense of loneliness closed over her, but quickly evaporated when she saw Pitt retuning.
His sense of time had evaporated, and it seemed to him now that yesterday was as real and present as today.
For a while, they clung together, and Baley's growing sense of injury evaporated into a troubled concern.
AH sense of nightmare had evaporated; the grim tolerance of death and dying was the reality now.
Then he saw the crowds in his bar to the left and instantly his sense of well-being evaporated.
America's sense of obligation to anything that is not here and now is evaporating.
All sense of danger and pursuit had evaporated.
Seconds after she pushed him into the channel any pleasure, or sense of power, had evaporated.