Jackson became the subject of increasingly sensational reports.
But we should not let ourselves be swayed by sensational reports based on sketchy theories.
He was going to have less than a sensational report to make to his captain, Van Gelder reflected.
Some of the more sensational reports claimed that Misrati had used his attractive young daughter to gain access to information.
All sensational reports to the contrary, Vincent van Gogh did not cut his ear entirely off.
"Yes, well, the more sensational reports mentioned the possibility."
Some more sensational reports claimed she was intoxicated and despondent over her career.
Oh, I wouldn't do anything like those sensational reports that kept coming out in the psychoramas right afterwards.
Ireland's notoriety was reflected in sensational reports in the tabloid press.
The paper is also considered as a "cleaner" paper as it includes fewer sensational reports and bloody pictures.