The violence erupted out of job competition and postwar social tensions among working class groups, aggravated by sensational journalism in the city.
The Bee tended to sensational journalism, adding to tensions in the city as it highlighted alleged crimes committed by blacks.
The London Times," Joe answered, "is not prone to sensational journalism.
The local press, particularly the weeklies, aren't usually engaged in sensational journalism.
The issue had become one of public, political concern, not a minor issue of sensational titillating journalism.
He gave his name (and color) to the whole genre of popular, sensational journalism, which became known as Yellow Journalism.
The whole modern world is pining for a genuinely sensational journalism.
It was then that sensational journalism was Chicago's most volatile industry.
She also wrote to the editor of the Chicago Times, known for its sensational journalism.
Shame on your sensational and shallow journalism, Catherine Bennett.