But the book will be published without the sensational claims made by the original publisher before it withdrew from the project in February.
Both the introduction and the book's marketing make sensational claims for the book's magical power.
This was a sensational claim because accuser and accused were both highly regarded within the same academic community.
However, these much more sensational claims have never been independently verified.
I have ever rejected the more sensational claims of those who believe in the supernatural,' said Bowgentle.
He doesn't even report the biggest sensational claim the book makes accurately.
These products might advertise a quick way to lose weight, a cure for a serious disease, or make other sensational claims.
Headlines make sensational claims, but when the details are known the media's statements do not always hold up.
The most sensational claim is that, without the Patent Directive, large companies would keep their research results secret.
But it asserted that the intelligence data, called nonpublic information, did not support the more sensational claims.