She was responsible for leading the team that recruits thousands of candidates for all senior-level positions within the Bush Administration.
Stephen D. Arnold, president of Continuum, will take a senior-level position at Microsoft after he recruits a new executive team for Continuum's business in progress.
Each of these senior-level positions is usually (but not absolutely) a prerequisite to promotion to a council Scout Executive or national council staff position.
The lottery agency, which employs 108 people, has 12 senior-level positions, she said.
I have an M.B.A. from Columbia University and have held senior-level positions at major financial services companies.
All except for two senior-level managerial positions will be new hires.
Prior to his current role, Cracchiolo held a number of senior-level positions at American Express, including:
Mr. Kelly joined Aetna in 1974 and held senior-level positions in its employee benefits division.
Reservists are even filling senior-level military positions.
Most companies do background checks, particularly for senior-level positions or other jobs that offer access to the company's money or financial records.