Marcus, a senior with a smooth black face, drove me home from school.
"Finding someone a little more senior with enough experience to direct them?"
He is a senior, an academic management major with a ranking in the lower third of a class of 870.
The lanky senior with the size 15 feet would surely keep the flame alive.
And she is a rare college senior with the perspective to appreciate a sunrise.
Jimmy lead the nation in tackles as a senior with 179 total stops.
The 6-foot-5-inch senior, with the rugged body of a tight end, poured in 13 points and was a catalyst on defense as well.
The advantage grew to 61-47, which matched the largest for either team, on two free throws by James, a senior, with 15:20 left.
He was 20 years her senior, with an established reputation as a literary man.
The fact that Crouch was a senior with an outstanding career made him the 11th-hour favorite.