International House currently houses more than 160 senior undergraduate and postgraduate residents.
Events and activities were held during the day and in the evening, for the very young through to the more senior residents.
I and many of my fellow senior residents here will do anything to avoid arrival there.
The attending physician is always in the lead, followed by the senior resident, then the other residents, and one or two medical students.
One of the senior residents was discussing her with a colleague.
In addition to the more senior residents who are usually in the hospital, the attending physician is always just a phone call away.
If Jack had seen her on the street, he would have thought she was a high-school senior, not a senior medical resident.
In the mid-1980's I was a senior resident on morning rounds with my team of interns.
He had gone to a reservation trading post to try to get better food for senior residents.
The wine cellar is also run by senior residents of the college.