In UK research, 77 per cent of senior decision-makers believe new suppliers' marketing approaches are poorly targeted and make it easy to justify staying with current suppliers).
The A4 glossy pages reach a circulation of 14, 768 ABC "senior decision-makers involved in overseas investment" across the world.
"We came at this subject as senior decision-makers would, who have to make difficult judgments based on limited information," he said.
With a weekly readership of 60 000, Business in Vancouver is branded as Vancouver's leading source of business news, targeted at senior decision-makers.
As a result of this seminar, senior African decision-makers have forged alliances and established networks to continue engagement with their colleagues long after the program has ended.
Since then the EHFG has developed into a key annual event, bringing together politicians, senior decision-makers, representatives of interest groups, and experts coming from:
Publications - Through its wholly owned subsidiary, Director Publications Ltd. the IoD publishes top quality magazines, guides and books for senior decision-makers.
At 6:27 PM, a senior decision-maker from PennDOT is requested to arrive at the Hamburg state police barracks to help with communications.
First, to help provide senior decision-makers options in the development of broad strategies that will define future DOD force structure.
He is a close associate of Syrian President Bashar Assad and his brother Maher Assad and is considered a senior decision-maker in the government.