Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich was the senior Marine on patrol and is under investigation for other charges.
Mrs. Lauterbach told police that her daughter "claimed she had been raped by a senior Marine at her command, and that the investigation had gone sour."
With ground weapons positions, of course he would have sought out the senior Marine on board and asked his opinion.
The senior Marine jerked his head at his companion, and they ran towards the tower's central access core.
Citizen Major General Claude Gisborne was SS, but almost half the total ground force-and two-thirds of its senior officers-were Marines.
Marines of the same rank may also address each other by first name when among peers only and never in the presence of junior or senior Marines.
"You two mosey on over to the barracks, Moseyev," he told the senior Marine in Standard English.
"Might want to tell Washington that they have a better feel for Beijing's internal politics than we do," the senior Marine observed.
Ask any of the senior Marines.
On December 7, 1941, Major Shapley was the senior Marine on board the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor.