Sir Denys's letter was sent to executives on Thursday and released on Saturday.
The memo is attached to an e-mail message sent by Mr. Wilson to the company's owners and senior executives.
Newer versions may soon automatically convert calls that mention key words to text, and send summaries to chosen executives.
Business Month, which had a circulation of 425,000, was sent without charge to top executives of companies with sales of $50 million or more.
For some companies, the goal is to send a message to executives considering jumping ship.
Known as "a soundtrack to an imaginary film", the band sent their copies to movie makers and executives in hopes of getting work writing soundtrack music.
Compensation specialists say that by making the cash part of pay the most volatile, companies are sending important messages to both executives and shareholders.
Some 5,000 will be sent to important Japanese executives in the New York area.
Instead, he wrote a draft of "Thank You for Smoking" on his own, sent it to executives at Icon and won them over.
The switch was announced in a memo sent to executives yesterday afternoon.