Yet successful or not, the movement has already sent a disturbing message to City Hall that the city's center may no longer hold.
Under the new agreement, the board will propose a list of its most urgent construction needs each year, and send it to City Hall.
He withdrew the plans after Chicagoans sent thousands of postcards to City Hall.
Because no single group formed a majority, they decided to create a district that might send the first Asian-American representative to City Hall.
That mix, some critics contend, made it unlikely that Asians would be able to send a candidate of their own to City Hall.
He thought of sending a copy to City Hall.
Either way, the oratory marked a shift in tone and sent a warning flare to City Hall.
Last week, Ms. Feldman sent a letter to City Hall and the board asking to return to the bargaining table.
The people who sent him to City Hall appear to have granted his wish to be left alone.
The 2000 election sent seven out of eight incumbents back to City Hall from the original city.