What was kind and humane - or honorable - about sending scores upon scores to certain death in massed battles?
They set off over the heather, their knees brushing through the honeyed flowers, and sending scores of busy bees into the air.
To suppress them, courts have sent scores of writers and other intellectuals to prison.
Kodak, which is based in Rochester, routinely sends scores of its up-and-coming employees to the same school for business degrees.
In fact, though the government sends scores of warnings each year to the most serious violators, only once has it levied a fine.
It shows commanders in the building's lobby scrambling to figure out how to send scores of firefighters into the burning building.
As with Thursday's opening round, the wind sent scores soaring yesterday.
The intelligence officials said he was responsible for training and sending scores of suicide bombers to Afghanistan.
It was a perfect late-spring evening that sent scores of children out.
He reminds audiences that he's sent scores of bills to Capitol Hill - on crime, education, welfare reform, tax cuts.