We have been privileged to be able to send it several pupils.
Tulse Hill School sent pupils to a number of foreign locations for sporting, educational and recreational/cultural activities.
- Local authorities are being urged to send disadvantaged pupils to boarding school, the Telegraph reports.
They send talented pupils here, in part to give them a chance to flourish on their own before they are lured away.
A head teacher will today voice his support for the government's proposal to send difficult pupils to private boarding schools.
It ruled that Milwaukee could spend taxpayer money to send pupils to religious schools through a voucher system.
The first school year was brought to an end when a heavy rainstorm flooded the building and sent the teacher and pupils fleeing to higher ground.
Some of the schools sent different pupils each night so that more could take part.
Nero rewarded her with a vast estate and even sent pupils to her.
'I send pupils up here for research, and beforehand bounce ideas with our librarian,' commented a head of expressive arts.