Their guide smoked a cigar, sending satisfied puffs skyward with his back against a palm.
There were several of the white-robed acolytes, one with a swinging censer that sent puffs of fragrant smoke into the crowd.
His low, sleek voice sent hot puffs of air against her ear.
The cargo of Bizmai anthracite sent black puffs through poorly sealed cargo hatches each time the Wotan shifted in the wind.
It may then enter into a slight steam phase, during which the geysers send brief puffs of steam out of their vents.
'No, I'm not,' he said, gazing up to the ceiling, to which he was sending little puffs of cigarette smoke.
The air was chill, and under his burden Kith-Kanan panted, sending little puffs of vapor from his nostrils and mouth.
Vic brushed off the top surface of the box, sending puffs of holographic dust into the air.
The alliance forces returned fire, sending small puffs of smoke into the sky.
The dragon snorted, sending small puffs of smoke floating.