At the third, a Greek diner in Queens, he dropped a tray in the dining room, sending plates and glasses crashing "with tremendous noise."
Suddenly, Ms. Meier yanked at a rope and the shelves lurched free, sending plates, cups and bowls tumbling down in glorious cascades and smashing into a sea of shards.
Clutching at the table for support, Pelletier pitched forward, sending plates and cups and meat bones flying.
He continued to send plates to Paris publishers.
Rather than a single classic dish, he will send diners a whole procession of small bites and vibrant flavors, arriving in an assortment of the most contemporary bowls, cups and plates, with oddly shaped utensils.
In May 2002 the autopilot on a cruise ship failed and caused it to make a jarring turn and then list, sending plates and glasses crashing and injuring more than 70 people, the Coast Guard said.
As I am sure you know, most churches send plates down the pews for the offering-the collection, if you will.
Someone was dancing crazily on the trestles, sending wooden plates flying.
On the upper floor was the control room, with its charts and television viewplates which allowed vision in all directions from sending plates fixed on the surface in various areas.
Bret never ate much, as I knew from weeks of watching him send almost-full plates back to the kitchen.