P4 is a commercial radio station, sending popular music, together with light programs.
New ways of sending music through the sky are being developed in an effort to upgrade the quality of radio transmissions.
Jake cried as the vessels went their individual ways, their orchestras sending soft music over the water.
You can also send e-mail messages, pictures, music and videos without paying for any type of postage.
It is relatively easy and inexpensive to send music from a computer or smartphone to speakers in the home.
It was designed to send music and sound from the stage into the audience.
These are the new artists who - I feel - have sent me brilliant music this year.
But faster computer connections that are already available, particularly on college campuses, make it possible to send and receive music almost instantly.
That appeared to be the common courtesy he extended to any band good enough to send him music.
We still can only guess what event or events finally sent music, along with the dinosaur and the cormorant, into extinction.