Its addicts have broken into pharmacies, clogged treatment centers and sent lawmakers scrambling to find ways to keep the drug from those who use it to get a heroinlike high.
She fought the president first on Social Security, sending Democratic lawmakers to tell the elderly in town-hall-style meetings that the president's plan for change would reward Wall Street at their expense.
The letter was in part a response to a letter that U.P.S. sent lawmakers last week urging them to press the President to invoke Taft-Hartley.
The negotiators came close to reaching an agreement twice in the last two weeks, but the dismal tax-collection figures today sent lawmakers scurrying to come up with new sources of revenue.
The leadership was trying to ease those complaints and send lawmakers home.
Online protests against anti-Web piracy measures sent lawmakers scrambling.
The report, which was sent lawmakers on Tuesday, suggested that Interior officials could have fixed the mistake far more easily if they had taken action when they first recognized it.
The spate of bus accidents on New Jersey highways this holiday season didn't take long to cause a political chain reaction in Trenton, sending lawmakers into a frenzy of bumper-to-bumper partisan posturing.
Online protests against anti-Web piracy measures sent lawmakers scrambling, but what's the alternative?