New Zealand began by sending a detachment of engineers and an artillery battery, and then started sending special forces and regular infantry.
The Spanish later sent infantry from other colonies to put down the rebellion and execute the leaders.
Bologna replied with resolution and sent infantry and cavalry to occupy the castle.
During the Second Afghan War, he sent 700 cavalry and infantry to the aid of the British forces in Afghanistan.
Government forces also attempted to take Misrata, sending infantry and armor into the city.
He had no intention of sending infantry near the village yet, so Blackiston's report was not immediately useful.
What if they use their heads and send infantry, cavalry, knights and archers and siege artificers to pull this stone artifact down around your ears?
Negley brought up two artillery batteries to open fire on the Rebel troops and the town and sent infantry to the river bank to act as sharpshooters.
He sent infantry ahead even after that.
I'm fairly certain we would not send infantry.