Latency: The time it takes for data to be sent from your computer to the testing server and back (the "round trip time").
First, she sent the fax, the one from the Poet, from her computer to the general number at tico.
Thus, one of the basic techniques of sending spam has become to send it from someone else's computer and network connection.
Being able to send a facsimile directly from one's personal computer, without having to use a scanner, is a real convenience.
The handshake protocol, as the name implies, begins the conversation that allows data to be sent to and from your computer using the Internet.
The software also lets you use the Medley to send faxes from your computer.
They can even send important information from your computer over the Internet to the developer of the virus.
This is the speed at which you can send information from your computer or device to the web.
These messages are generally sent via cell phone to whoever is "following" you, but can also be sent from your computer.
I recently sent an e-mail from Parliament's new computer in Brussels to my office on Thursday.