The basic message to foreigners has been to send medicine and blankets but leave technical crews behind.
The Red Cross had sent medical units, tents, blankets, and other necessary item to the victims by plane.
Send all available medical assistance, a doctor, nutritional supplies, blankets, clothing and mortuary technicians.
The British government also sent blankets and tents to distribute, as well as water, food, and ice.
IDK why but the idea to do a little bio engineering and then send blankets to our Chinese friends immediately came to my mind.
"The Lord Fini asks that you send blankets and quinine."
We don't have any samples yet to work from, but as soon as I can get them, we're going to send food and blankets.
We tried to send blankets to the monks in prison but the Chinese wouldn't let us.
But if you like I can send you blankets from my quarters.
Is it really enough to send blankets and bandages after facilitating the supply of arms that caused the injuries in the first place?