Her second husband is her former senatorial colleague Howard Baker, of Tennessee.
In that capacity, he conducted oral history interviews with personal friends, staff, senatorial colleagues, and other observers of Stennis' long career in politics.
The untruths in it go well beyond the misspelling of Kerrey's name to match that of his brother officer and future senatorial colleague from Massachusetts.
Even up to the ninth ballot, my senatorial colleagues were still hoping to nominate Hays.
Russell was a highly respected senatorial colleague and skilled legislator.
Thrasea and a number of senatorial colleagues were there, as well as all Plautii who could be reached in time, for the honor of the family name required it.
Senator Robb, on the ropes and under pressure from his senatorial colleagues, has just suspended all three of his top staff aides.
While my senatorial colleagues fret at how their wealth is eroded, I can be calm and smile at their discomfort.
They differed from their senatorial colleague, the laticlavius ("broad-banded"), in age, rank and experience.
Sparkman was slated against Richard M. Nixon, a senatorial colleague from California.