The senator hesitated for several heartbeats, then slowly lowered the weapon, turned away from the confrontation, and stepped into the den.
The senator turned pale and appeared stupefied with surprise.
For in reading this book, one begins to understand why the senators turned a cold shoulder to their former colleague.
It's no wonder some senators turn into bloated Hindenburg versions of themselves.
So with passage of the Senate legislation on track, senators and Bush administration officials quickly turned their attention to wooing the House.
Then the senator turned to introduce a man who was standing by the desk.
Meantime, senator, we can turn these plans over to the Navy Department.
The startled senator turned to find another pair of gunners in the office doorway, helping Tommy cover the intruders.
So what separates the pair more than anything else is age: the senator turned 79 yesterday; the governor is 53.
The senator turned to his son and gripped his arm tightly.