Suddenly this year, however, the two senators feel tantalizingly close to achieving what once seemed a nearly impossible goal.
Alarmed, Paige began to wonder if the senator was feeling entirely well.
He made senators and others feel very comfortable because he didn't seem surprised when they knew technical terms.
But perhaps the senators feel that anybody who ever drank too much is beyond redemption.
Frankly, senator, I feel that you hold an exaggerated impression of his capacities.
But other senators who have cast votes against abortion rights advocates felt differently.
Without feeling invested in the rebate, senators felt free to criticize it publicly.
"I think this thing will fly and all senators will feel good," he said.
So senators will feel free to vote for it even if they are uncomfortable with important elements of the legislation.
And while it is true that the Internet is not a big truck, the senator might feel as if he has been run over by one.