Some 30 seminary professors attended the meeting at Yale University, New Haven, USA, 21-23 February.
In October 1981, he consecrated two Mexican priests and former seminary professors, Moisés Carmona (of Acapulco) and Adolfo Zamora (of Mexico City).
A new emphasis on resources for pastors, seminary professors and students, and scholars has been launched with the B&H Academic line of resources.
They have also demanded that only those who believe in the infallibility of the Bible should serve as seminary professors.
The group was chosen by Poland's Catholic bishops from among the nation's seminary professors.
In Poland, bishops, including Karol Wotyla, the present Pope John Paul II, have often been selected from the ranks of seminary professors.
Even some seminary professors take his rock-hard teachings with a grain of salt.
By the 1970s, many conservatives in the SBC felt certain seminary professors had drifted from basic Baptist doctrines.
It stands as a central theological proclamation for the denomination, and Southern Baptist employees, seminary professors and often ministers are expected to agree with it.
In their eyes, seminary professors should be subject to denominational trustees, congregations to pastors, wives to husbands, and all believers to a literal reading of Scripture.