The SBEs are particularly useful when solving the light propagation through a semiconductor structure.
The typical semiconductor structure for such a laser consists of an optical microcavity placed between distributed Bragg reflectors.
Work also continues with studies of applying external controls such as electronic switching and semiconductor structures to control transmission and reflection properties.
It is a highly complex process for growing crystalline layers to create complex semiconductor multilayer structures.
These advanced techniques are useful for examining low-dimensional semiconductor structures, such a quantum wells or quantum dots.
The size of the semiconductor structure is tabulated below, and reflects the diameter of the spherical quantum dot without ligands.
SOLAB studies the spin currents induced by light in semiconductor structures.
He is known for his work on semiconductor structures and topological insulators.
It should be mentioned that present-day modeling assumes a perfect semiconductor structure in order to reduce the numerical effort.
Various experimental approaches can be used for the determination of the optical gain of semiconductor structures.