They meet in semiannual supervised events; the first was held Dec. 2.
Macworld is a semiannual event where thousands of loyal Apple customers and software developers gather to pore over the Macintosh industry's latest offerings.
Metro started televising the runway shows in Bryant Park in 1999, and gradually became the network of record for these semiannual events.
Mr. Ikram, who provides commentary on work at the Faze Web site (, seeks to make the program a semiannual event.
Typically annual or semiannual events held over a weekend, they can last from several hours to several days.
The semiannual event has been going since the early 1970s.
As a result of the favorable response to "Gravity's Rainbow" Professor Kowalski and Mr. Gordinier hope the readings will become a semiannual event.
The event has since grown rapidly, becoming a popular semiannual event.
Pneumonia was a semiannual event every spring, every fall.
It is a semiannual event intended to add oomph to an apparel industry whose worth to the city's economy is estimated at $27 billion a year.