The irrigation project, which facilitated the emergence of intensive cultivation despite semi-arid conditions, resulted in important social and political transformations.
The west and southwest parts of Andhra Pradesh have semi-arid conditions.
It flourishes in semi-arid conditions characterized by mild winters, dry springs and hot summers.
Having endured arid or semi-arid conditions for roughly 55-80 million years, the Namib is also the oldest desert in the world.
Rainfall was seasonal, alternating between semi-arid, and mesic conditions.
It is one of the world's oldest deserts, after the Atacama, having experienced arid or semi-arid conditions for over 55 million years.
The semi-arid conditions, however, initially made this area difficult to farm.
There are many modern facilities there that makes it appealing for people who are not familiar with the semi-arid conditions.
The region experiences semi-arid climatic conditions with dry and hot summers and cool winters.
In the far western areas of all of these states, semi-arid conditions exist.