A pronunciation is addressed either with or without the mediation of the semantic system - our store of word meanings.
Depending on the damage to the semantic system, one type might be favored over the other.
It gives the sequential development of 111 items, selected from the pragmatic, semantic and syntactic systems, grouped into ten major levels.
SemEval-2012 included 8 different tasks targeting at evaluating computational semantic systems.
The ambiguity of the social system is present in the semantic system too.
The key component of the semantic system is context.
The semantic system is developed from the beginning through early interactions with adults.
To support the reader in developing the semantic system, ask, "Does that make sense"?
For a dictionary user wanting to look up a character, this arbitrary semantic system is inefficient unless one already knows, or can guess, the meaning.
The semantic system can then trigger name retrieval for the objects.