In contrast, geographic information retrieval requires a small amount of semantic data to be present (namely a location or geographic feature associated with a document).
The page for an apple would contain, in addition to standard text information, some machine-readable or at least machine-intuitable semantic data.
But the capability to use semantic data to accurately join data is fantastically powerful.
It has been suggested that retrieval cues for semantic data are themselves semantic.
Such a semantic data model is an abstraction that defines how the stored symbols (the instance data) relate to the real world.
It provides its users with a consistent view of syntactical, lexical, and semantic data vocabularies through a community-driven web environment.
It uses semantic data but it also has permission to interrupt me and tell me about it.
Wright was dissatisfied with the results of the factor analysis work he'd been doing in the late 1950s on semantic differential data from Chicago area firms' marketing projects.
A learner must have sufficient semantic data at hand in order to be able to construct meaning.
The development of the Internet from being document centric via semantic data towards more and more services was described as "Dynamic Web".