He is SF's top selling author of the decade.
He was one of the best selling authors of the 1920s and 1930s, with seven of his novels making the best-seller list.
John is also the best selling author of fiction and non-fiction books.
It is based on a novel by best selling author Jim Stovall.
Yet three of his four novels have sold over a million copies each, and by 2007, he was one of the best selling authors in China.
He is married to American best selling author Katherine Neville.
This is a masterful feat of story telling by one of the world's best selling authors.
No one recognized her the way they might with other best selling authors who appeared on chat shows and full-colour jacket photographs.
It is now common for publishers to promote only their best selling authors and to try to avoid the rest-even if they still sell steadily.
He was one of the highest selling Indian authors in the year 2011.