Three houses remain to be sold at the development, with prices currently between £164,950 and £189,000.
Items are mostly sold by weight, with prices ranging from $0.49 to $1.69 per pound, depending on the location.
In January 2002, nearly 207 were sold, with prices ranging from $25,000 to $75,000 and higher.
All quilts at the Country Store are sold on consignment, with prices set by the women who produced them.
In 1887, the lots began to sell, with prices from $350 to $1,000, as people realised the potential of the area.
To date, 25 of the 31 detached houses in the first phase have been sold, with prices ranging from $200,000 to more than $300,000.
Many of his paintings were sold at various auctions with individual prices ranging between $200 and $20,000 apiece.
The project is 85 percent sold, with prices from $130,000 to $400,000 and penthouse units topping out at $1.25 million.
All but a handful of apartments have been sold, with prices averaging $205 a square foot, or about $275,000, participants in the project reported.
We've been very tempted to sell our house with prices so high these days.