Some Korowai have since the early 1990s generated moderate cash income by working with tour companies selling tours into the Korowai region.
Some residents outfit golf carts with passenger trailers to sell "historical tours" of the island.
Last month, the department came out with a proposal to "remove unnecessary burdens" on airlines and operators, meaning the companies that sell tours that include charter air flights.
One moment they are selling tours of Yellowstone and the next they complain about overcrowding.
Many travel companies sell tours that allow you to visit the birthplaces of many different religions.
To pick up the slack, she sells more cruises and tours.
Priceline now also sells discounted cruises, as well as tours and attractions.
He has sold more than 200,000 albums worldwide and still tours and performs regularly.
Many have been encouraged to reinvent themselves for the adventure and "ecotourist" market, selling horse-riding tours with accommodation in traditional gers, or felt tents.
It was first sold to the public in the spring 2003 European and American tours.