He inhabited the land for a short time, selling it to the town of Bloomington in 1819.
His wife died in 1853, at which point he sold the farm and the buildings to the town of Middletown.
In 1991, it was sold to the town of Truxton for $1.00.
The company offered to sell the tramway to the town but this was refused.
In 1998, the winery sold the property to the town.
Reynolds sold the airfield to the town for $29,875, less than half the market value.
He sold his property to the town of Killingly in 1909.
When the shoe business went bad, the company sold the course to the town of Endicott.
"After a year the state said never mind, we're selling it to the town," he said.
Three brothers who own the private course, which is open to the public, have offered to sell it to the town.