Mr. Galiano paid a $25,000 fine on March 11 in exchange for the Fish and Wildlife Service's dropping charges asserting that he illegally sold skulls from endangered species.
Throughout the museum's history it also sold human skulls from the Pacific regions (including Australia) where the company had a monopoly.
The builders sold the human bones, teeth and skulls that they excavated whilst digging foundations.
Even so, he is planning on selling skulls - real ones - in "natural and black" in his new Paris boutique.
Mr. Star and his biking mates Storm and Lord were selling skulls, knives and leather - and doing a brisk trade, on a sidewalk in front of a store that usually sells frilly crafts 'n' things.
To the mellow songs of Roy Rogers, it will sell skulls, some with turquoise inlay, as well as cowboy-inspired bunk beds and mirrors decorated with antique spurs and buffalo-head nickels, said Jerry Vosellman, the owner.
The governments in these countries then sell the hides and skulls to exporters.
Trade sometimes occurred with the items, such as "members of the Naval Construction Battalions stationed on Guadalcanal selling Japanese skulls to merchant seamen" as reported in an Allied intelligence report from early 1944.
In 1924, after speaking at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois, Patterson agreed to sell the Tsavo lion skins and skulls to the museum for the then sizeable sum of $5,000.
Hasn't free market capitalism got a little bit out of touch when we start selling the arms, legs and skulls of our forebears?