The first Arabs appeared here about 30 years ago, selling scarves and linen to tourists from their trunks.
The couple had worked together at the cramped booth, selling purses, scarves and jewelry, for eight or nine years.
But warm weather is not the only obstacle this year to selling heavy winter coats, scarves and gloves.
A band played into the evening, and children walked about selling handmade scarves.
Do they sell scarves and that sort of thing?
These Kayan people make a little more than what they usually make selling scarves and baskets.
The most difficult area appears to be clothing, with many retailers struggling to sell winter coats, boots and scarves when the weather was relatively mild.
In the colder months, she sold hats, pocketbooks, scarves and clothing around the city.
In adiition, signings from abroad provide players with the opportunity to sell scarves of that player's nation.
Lots of people sell scarves and birdhouses on Etsy: why not self-published books?