The Salon sold color posters, prints and reproductions of artwork to the general public at reasonable prices.
It is an American company that sells reproductions of museum objects.
However, he soon began to act on plans to expand the store and sell reproductions of famous works of art.
If they start selling reproductions of the poster with an acrobat on a motorcycle holding a Stalin flag, send us one, please!
After decades of requests from visitors, the library will sell such reproductions in its shop at $799 each.
Last year the company began selling limited-edition prints and reproductions of its artwork, most of it commissioned for the magazine.
In the 1980's a catalogue company sold reproductions of those originals for $900.
A small shop sells reproductions of navigators' maps; concerts are held in the garden behind the museum.
Cassina, which makes those chairs, also sells reproductions of the more voluptuous Redele chair, right, from 1948.
Gift shops sell reproductions in every size from miniature to mural.