You sold two million of them in the last quarter alone.
There were 1,990 single family homes sold in the third quarter, up 10 percent from a year earlier.
That is up $1.73 billion from the amount of debt sold last year in the similar quarter.
It sold 5.8m packs of party food in the quarter.
"The real test will be if manufacturers can sell these cars in the third quarter," he said.
More wine is sold in the fourth quarter - of the year, not the game - than at any other time.
HP sold 7200 systems in the first quarter of 2006.
The number of vehicles sold in the quarter rose 4 percent, to 1,547,000.
Over all, the company sold 238 billion cigarettes in the third quarter, up 9.3 percent from a year earlier.
About half of all toys are sold in the fourth quarter.