He sold fine china and glassware at Tiffany & Company before a customer lured him to a job in an importing company.
You'll browse stalls that sell masks, glassware, ceramics, furniture, toys, jewelry, handmade soap and DVDs.
"The United States has to draw the line in accepting refugees," said Todd Weintraub, 29, who sells decorative glassware.
In 1981, Bob Page left his job as an auditor for the state of North Carolina to start a mail-order business selling antique china and glassware.
Charles Flickinger, owner of Flickinger Glassworks, says he is looking forward to selling glassware from his warehouse space.
Zarco, 24 Sollano, (465) 203-23, sells ceramics, colorful tin figures and handmade glassware.
The company is best known for wholesale closeout deals; selling kitchenware, glassware, pet supplies, gifts and products for the home and garden.
It sells dinnerware, glassware, cookware and ceramics.
Many local shops sell china and glassware made in the area.
A store that still carries the original overhead sign "Louis Zuflacht - Smart Clothes" actually sells voguish glassware.