As for her who doesn't sell covers?
Dealers who sell first-day covers that they have prepared are naturally worried about being undersold.
Paige P. Fleming, chief executive and publisher at Nevada Woman, said she had been selling covers of Nevada Woman for a few years.
In 1942 he and Robert Laurence formed Laurence and Stryker, a philatelic auction house which sold rare postage stamps and postal covers from 1942 to 1960.
Ed Emshwiller supplied eight of the ten covers; he had sold several covers to F&SF by this time, so his work reinforced the sense of connection between the two magazines.
Many children's stores and sometimes music outlets sell covers of pop songs, performed by adults for children, especially Christmas songs.
The crew's 298 covers were not returned until 1983, after the astronauts filed suit against the government for their return, citing NASA's partnership with the U.S. Postal Service to sell covers flown on the Space Shuttle.
Entrepreneurs have expanded the fashion value of cell phones by selling customized covers with designs that range from an American flag and a $100 bill with Benjamin Franklin's portrait to youth icons like Michael Jordan and Hello Kitty.
Weill acquired and sold rare postage stamps and covers of the United States and foreign countries.
While manufacturers limit their palettes to silver, white, steel blue and black, accessory makers are selling covers for the phones with images ranging from motorcycles to matinee idols.