There are many shops selling baskets and even a museum commemorating the unique tradition of the village.
Most of the population is employed in commerce, selling pottery, textiles, embroidered items, baskets and religious figures.
Not long since, a strolling Indian went to sell baskets at the house of a well-known lawyer in my neighborhood.
After gathering their crop, the women are bused to Saigon, where they sell baskets of flowers on the streets.
Selling elaborate baskets to non-Indian tourists became viable way of making a living.
These Kayan people make a little more than what they usually make selling scarves and baskets.
Sit with me and help sell baskets.
Liza didn't understand the importance of it, but the occasion had been good for selling baskets.
But as long as my hands are working, I'll sell baskets."
The women created and sold traditional hand-woven baskets.