Ikwaskwan - self-styled leader of the Kilumbembese Red Bracelets.
Shamil Basayev, the self-styled Chechen terrorist leader who was behind the bloody seizure of a school in Beslan and several other acts of mass murder, lived for terror.
Miles had spent a decade perfecting his cover identity of "Admiral Naismith," self-styled leader of the Dendarii Free Mercenary Fleet.
A fiery orator, and self-styled leader of the persecuted and oppressed, consumed with a reckless urge to sacrifice himself for his ideals.
Like a vast historical puzzle, this film pieces together the tragic history of a country, and its self-styled leader - the dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko, "King of Zaïre".
The other, self-styled leader of a political party, asks me to run for a council seat.
Russ, the threesome's self-styled leader, lives with his bullying mother, sister and brother-in-law, a surly, strutting policeman.
No pope in history has ever had as much power over the lives of his flock as some of these self-styled leaders in the Western fellowships.
In Texas, Rodriguez had been a self-styled leader on a young team with no winning history.
It was the first uprising led by a self-styled religious leader whose support base came about due to man-made discontent.