The Serbs have declared a self-styled independent republic in the 70 percent of Bosnia they hold.
Because it is a self-styled 'Islamic reveloutionary republic' and I know their proffesed ideaology.
Aslan Maskhadov, the military leader of the Chechens, is now the president of the self-styled independent republic.
Colonel Aikman has begun referring ironically to "this great agreement" and to the self-styled Serbian republic as "that alleged country."
Neither Serbia nor the self-styled republic of the Bosnia Serbs recognize the court's jurisdiction; both refuse to hand over suspects.
Though a self-styled parliamentary republic, New Crobuzon's government more closely resembles an oligarchy with strong imperialistic ambitions.
More than 20 percent of Croatia is still under the control of secessionist Serbs, who call their self-styled republic Krajina.
'Total War' The foreign minister of the self-styled republic, Slobodan Jarcevic, sneered at the decision.
Whether or not their self-styled republic is transitory, the Bosnian Serbs are determined to have their way in the Bosnian conflict.
The city is also remembered as the site of the self-styled Republic of Ploieşti, a short-lived 1870 revolt against the Romanian monarchy.