What they saw was a restaurant filled with people who had equally self-satisfied looks.
The gnarled dwarf had a slightly self-satisfied look on his face.
He wore an ingratiating smile and the self-satisfied look of a cat that has cornered a canary.
His manservant throws the frantic doctor a sly, self-satisfied look, and Henry vows to dismiss him before the day is done.
When Silk returned, he had a certain self-satisfied look on his face.
But Jack had the infuriating self-satisfied look of a man who knew he was right and was waiting for her to admit it.
I recognized the self-satisfied look in her eyes.
The white flowers, he thought, had a rather self-satisfied look about them. "
In the center stands Mr. Gularte with a self-satisfied look.
He flicked the ash off his cigarette and gave himself a self-satisfied look in the rearview mirror.