Are there lessons for self-regulating bodies more generally?
It is a self-regulating body of the Estonian press.
The association, a self-regulating body for the securities industry, says the risks of any financial derivatives should be fully explained.
Not like some of these other self-regulating bodies.
He was interested in the profession's makeup of largely self-regulating bodies with unique expertise and, as a result, in its having uncommon ethical obligations to society.
Meyer was appointed chairman of the UK press's self-regulating body in March 2003.
Each province has a provincial body that administers the legislation or regulation establishing the self-regulating professional body.
The association is a membership driven, self-regulating body for the industry.
The measures I propose refer to national, self-regulating bodies which already exist and which represent producers, advertisers and consumers.
It is the voluntary self-regulating governing body for franchising in the country with 180 franchisors and allied members nationwide.