The association has been administered by a self-perpetuating board of directors since 1925.
Established in 1970, it is run by a self-perpetuating, independent board of governors.
The museum is governed by a self-perpetuating 14-member board of directors.
The school now had its own self-perpetuating Board of Trustees.
It had a 77 member self-perpetuating board of regents.
The school itself is governed by a self-perpetuating Board of Trustees.
Their self-perpetuating boards exhibit a striking lack of stewardship and public responsibility.
At that time, the school incorporated as a non-profit educational institution and established a self-perpetuating board of trustees.
Alcor is governed by a self-perpetuating board of directors.
At the death of Ellen White, July 16, 1915, this self-perpetuating board began to function.