Ulgor's self-mocking tone dismissed that idea, while encouraging Sara to keep guessing.
Every Monday night she demonstrates a gift for the self-conscious, slightly self-mocking tone that gives "Murphy Brown" its edge.
The self-mocking tone continues on the song, "I Don't Know", with its chorus, "One foot in the door/The other one in the gutter."
Other elements had a self-mocking tone about Bronxville.
Mr. Fussell's description of Pasadena in the 1920's and 30's strikes the sweetly self-mocking tone of the best reminiscences.
The comic self-mocking tone.
He has a similar sense of his own absurdity, and one of the most endearing things about "Disturbing the Peace" is its self-mocking tone.
Bryson's breezy, self-mocking tone may turn off readers who hanker for another "Into Thin Air" or "Seven Years in Tibet."
Therefore, the new campaign has adopted a self-mocking tone, with the theme "Warning: A French adventure might spoil you for life."