In advanced cases, depression may result in self-inflicted injury and could even lead to suicide.
Gu Kim also tried to kill himself with a self-inflicted injury in his head, but failed.
It was reported the next morning that he had died of self-inflicted injuries.
But the wound had been clean and there was very little pain from the self-inflicted injury.
It also has the appearance of a self-inflicted injury.
Afterwards, 179 prisoners sought medical attention for the self-inflicted injuries.
In this series, Fester is perhaps the most loving of self-inflicted injury.
The maid has a history of faking her own self-inflicted physical injuries.
He did not die immediately, but the burns from the self-inflicted injury killed him the next day.
Indeed, together with suicides and self-inflicted injuries, they contribute significantly to our annual death rate.